Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Pin Of The Week: Mother-in-Law Necklace

I'm generally one for practicality. I'm never one for frivolous things and I always want to re-purpose and re-use things.

The fact that we have used toilet paper rolls cut up in a dish is not because we don't have a garbage. It's for our yet to be created wall hanging (You could save yours and actually turn them into toilet paper roll wedding favors.)

But sometimes, gifts are about the thought and not at all about the practicality. And with that, this week's pin of the week.

Pin of the week
mother in law necklace

How adorable is that mother-in-law necklace? I absolutely love love love this for the bride to give the groom's mother. What a beautiful charm and such a sweet sentiment behind it. Like I said in the pin, even if you have a monster-in-law, this is adorable. I mean, sure, maybe she is nuts but her son is an amazing man (or you wouldn't be marrying him) so she did a good job there.

Now, how often is your mother-in-law going to be wearing this necklace? Perhaps never. But maybe she will wear it on your wedding day. And on that first Thanksgiving you host in order to show you that she does appreciate it. And maybe, just maybe, she will love it as much as I do and she'll wear it all the time.

If you love this mother-in-law necklace, you can buy a similar one on Amazon here.

BRIDAL BABBLE: What did you give your mother-in-law as a gift on your wedding?

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